4th Arab Italian Business Forum by JIACC and Unioncamere

Rome, Italy - 28th January 2025

4th Arab Italian Business Forum by JIACC and Unioncamere

UNIDO ITPO Italy joined the 4th edition of the Arab Italian Business Forum, held on 28th January 2025 in Rome and organized by the Joint Italian Arab Chamber of Commerce (JIACC) and Unioncamere, by moderating the panel "Agritech & Food Security: Innovation for Sustainability in the Arab Region".

At the presence of around 100 representatives from companies and institutions from Italy and the Arab world, the panel indicated water supply, desertification and soil fertility as the main challenges to be faced, mainly through the driver of innovation developed by the private sector, facilitated by the strategic choices of governments, and supported by the role of international organizations.

Another main challenge is related to the human capital, the needs of diversification of production, and modernization of the agricultural sector to make it more permeable and sensitive to the challenge of sustainability and the best available practices. The process of digitalization and data management will play a central role, giving great centrality also to the role of training and development of technical skills on site thanks to the great Italian and European expertise in the sector.