ITPO Italy

The Italian Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO Italy) was created in 1987 and is based in Rome. Its mandate is to enhance the competitiveness of small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries, through the mobilization of investments as well as the transfer of technology, and management skills together with capacity building activities required for the implementation of industrial projects and SMEs upgrading in developing and emerging countries.

UNIDO ITPO Italy launched specific industrial development programmes covering the sectors in which Italy sets world standards of best practice, such as agricultural machineries, food processing, fishery, agritech and food innovation, leather and footwear, environment, gems and jewellery, textile and fashion, renewable energy, pharma and bio-technology, constructions, logistics. These programmes are implemented through the promotion of industrial partnerships, to raise awareness on the importance of technological innovation and qualitative standards, through capacity-building activities.


Since 2004, Ms. Diana Battaggia is the head of UNIDO ITPO Italy.


via Paola 41

Tel: +39 06 6796521
Fax: +39 06 6793570

UNIDO ITPO Italy facilitates partnerships between SMEs from Developing Countries and Italian companies providing a set of services:



  • Collection and diffusion of data relating to: macroeconomic framework of reference countries, development indicators of the productive sectors, laws and rules that regulate and facilitate foreign investment, available technological skills in the recipient countries for the identified industrial projects
Identificazione e Promozione di Progetti Industriali

Identification and promotion of industrial projects

  • Collection and verification of data relating to proposals for industrial collaboration
  • Systematic research of counterparties interested in economic and industrial agreements
  • Organization of business delegations to trade fairs and investment  fora
  • Organization of business to business meetings
  • Assistance in negotiations 


  • Capacity building and Study tours on technological innovations aimed at developing the industrial sector as well as at improving the investments’ attractiveness in developing countries

UNIDO ITPO Italy, in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, supports Developing Countries’institutions to create an enabling environment for investment.



  • Delegates Programme: ITPO hosts at its offices, representatives of developing countries, identified among the officials from local institutional counterparts, to support promotional activities for the benefit of their countries of origin. During the period of permanence in Italy, delegates can also benefit of capacity building opportunities becoming familiar with UNIDO tools and methodologies.
  • Study tour: organization of ad hoc technical missions for technical insights (e.g. visits to the Italian industrial districts, exports consortia, etc.)
Identificazione e Promozione di Progetti Industriali

Assistance and Promotion

  • Definition and implementation of technical assistance programmes for the development of specific industrial sectors
  • Support to the consolidation of industrial associations, Chambers of Commerce and Handicraft associations
  • Facilitation of contacts with institutions working in support of SMEs at national and international level
  • Promotion of the developing country through seminars, newsletters, and the dispatch of information regarding investment opportunities and industrial capabilities to companies