
With specific reference to the site, this is to advise you that visitors can consult most of the pages and/or the content on this site without being asked to produce identification.

However, for some sections (registration form for the “Submit Your Application”), it is necessary to register and to do so you will be asked to provide your personal data. If you fail to comply and do not complete the obligatory boxes with the requested data, you will be refused access to the form “Submit Your Application”.

In any case, your personal data will be used by UNIDO fully respecting the fundamental principles laid down by Legislative Decree N° 196 of 30th June 2003 regarding the protection of personal data.

The treatment of personal data and its aims

Your personal data and any other personal information which is gathered following the registration (from now on referred to as “personal data”) will be used for the following reasons:

  1. Registration and assessment of your candidature to the form “Submit Your Application”;
  1.  Activities necessary for planning and organizing the mailing of the newsletter;
  1. The periodical sending of communications related to initiatives and events organized by UNIDO.